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Monday - Saturday 9:00 - 18:00

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

The customer information gathered on this site will be used for aggregate research, promotional purposes and for future site development. To protect the privacy of our registered users, your information will not be sold or forwarded to a third party. For the avoidance of doubt your information will only be used by Chums Group

  • 1. All references in this Privacy Policy: to the “Website” refer to this website; to “we”, “us” and “our” refer to Chums Group and to “you” and “your” are to you, the user.
  • 2. Use of Information:
  • 2.1 Please note that by registering your details on this Website, you will provide us with personal details about yourself including your name and contact details. We shall use such information in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy and our Data Privacy but, whilst we take reasonable precautions to secure any personal data, please be aware that it is not possible to guarantee the security of transmissions over the Internet. By entering your contact details on this Website or by sending an e-mail to us, you consent to the collection, use and transfer of your information under the terms of this Privacy Policy.
    If you wish us to cease using your personal information, Please notify us of this by e-mal us at info@chumsgroup.uk
    2.2 We may collect information about you, and/or monitor your use of this Website, for the purpose of providing you with marketing material, including information about special offers and promotions, as well as providing you with information regarding the products that you have indicated are of interest to you. It may also be used so that we can personalise, and assist your use of the Website and improve the Website generally.
    2.3 We will treat as confidential all of the personal data you provide. Other than any third party who acts as an agent and stores personal information on our behalf, or to another company within our group of companies, we will only pass on information about you as an individual (as opposed to aggregate information) to third parties to enable it to perform services requested by you or with your prior consent. We may share non-personal aggregate statistical data with third parties.
    2.4 If we enter into a joint venture with, or are sold to, or merged with another business entity, your personal information may be disclosed to our new business partners or owners. Unless required to do so by law, we will not otherwise share, sell or distribute any of the personal information you provide to us without your consent.
    2.5 We will fully co-operate with any law enforcement authorities or court order requesting or directing us to disclose the identity of or locate anyone posting any defamatory, obscene or otherwise illegal material onto the Website.
    2.6 The information you provide to us will be held on our computers. We employ security measures to protect your information from access by unauthorised persons and against unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction and damage.
    We will only retain your information for a reasonable period or for so long as either you or legislation permits. If your personal information changes, Please advise us of the relevant changes as soon as possible by e-mailing us at info@chumsgroup.uk
  • 3. Use of Cookies We may use cookies on this Website for record keeping purposes. Cookies are small pieces of information which are stored on your computer’s hard drive and are used to collect non-personal information to track access to this Website. Cookies can make it easier for you to use the Website during future visits. You may set up your computer to reject cookies although, in that case, you may not be able to use certain features on our Website.
  • 4. Changes to our Privacy Policy We may change this Privacy Policy at any time and, if we do so, we will post the changes on this Website so that you may be aware at all times of the information we collect and how it is used.
  • 5. Contact All comments, queries and requests relating to our use of your information are welcomed and should be emailed to us at info@chumsgroup.uk
  • 6. Law and Jurisdiction 6.1 These terms and conditions shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of England. Disputes arising herefrom shall be exclusively subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of England.
    6.2 If any of these terms and conditions should be determined to be illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable for any reason, then that provision shall be severed and deleted from these terms and the remaining terms and conditions shall survive and continue to be binding and enforceable.